Full Title: T2 Moving risk based inspection to predictive inspection and maintenance to deliver resilient offshore underwater installations.

Presenters:  Prof J Strutt, Dr C Roberts-Hartinov, Astrimar. John is a chartered engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers with over 40 years of experience in the oil and gas sector. As Chief Consultant and Technical Director of Astrimar, he has responsibility for developing the reliability engineering and technical risk assessment and management capability of the company. Caroline is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and a Director of Astrimar, with more than 23 years’ project engineering, analysis and consultancy experience focussed in the offshore oil and gas, subsea engineering business sector.

Duration:  1/2 day in the afternoon (13:00 to 16:30).

Description:  Given the current economic climate, many in the offshore and underwater industries are considering how the cost of inspection, monitoring and maintenance can be reduced without compromising safety and integrity and how we can make the offshore and underwater industries more resilient to changes and disturbances. This tutorial will cover the basic principles underpinning risk based inspection and the type of modelling and analysis tools needed to move to a more predictive regime for managing offshore and underwater installations. The tutorial will include discussions on the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. It will also include discussions on the emerging discipline of resilience engineering and its relationship to the more traditional fields of risk and reliability engineering.

Target Audience: The tutorial is relevant to engineers, scientists and managers involved in building more resilient, cost efficient systems and are looking for guidance on the approaches, methods and tools that may be used. The approach to be taken will be generic focusing on fundamental principles. It will be relevant to those in the offshore and subsea, oil and gas, renewables, and telecommunications sectors.

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Marine Technology Society

 Gold Patron

Subsea UK


University of Aberdeen
The Robert Godon University
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Society for Underwater Technology   The Challenger Society for Marine Sciences Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Institute of Physics