Thursday 22nd June 2017
- 09:00 to 10:20 Technical Sessions.
- Closing Addresses in the Fleming Auditorium
- 10:40 "The 60th OCEANS Conference - The Past, the Future and the Vision" Professor Rene Garello.
- 11:10 Student Poster Prize Presentations.
- 11:30 Fellowship of the IEEE Awards.
- Maurizo Migliaccio, Universita di Napoli Pathenope Naples, Italy For contributions to marine and maritime polarimetric synthetic aperture radar.
- Andrea Caiti, University of Pisa, Italy For contributions to geo-acoustic inversion and autonomous underwater vehicles.
- 11:45 Keynote Presentation: Dr.-Ing. Eric Delory, Plocan "Emerging solutions for in-situ observation systems"
- 12:15 Presentations for Future Oceans Conferences
- 12:30 Lunch in the Boyd Orr Hall
- 13:40--17:10 Technical Sessions.
- 17:10 CLOSE