The MTS/IEEE Oceans Conferences

The OCEANS conference is the flagship event of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and the Marine Technology Society (MTS). It features all aspects of oceanic engineering, science and technology (see Technical Topics list). The conference runs twice a year: every autumn (fall) in North America and every spring in the rest of the world. The rest of the world meetings alternate between Europe (in odd years) and Asia/Pacific rim (in even years).

The prestigious OCEANS series of conferences is recognised as the premier forum for the international marine community to meet and discuss topical issues in a format of easy information exchange. OCEANS brings together engineers, scientists, managers and policy makers from all aspects of the oceanic spectrum.

OCEANS features an associated trade exhibition with companies and institutions representing the wide range of activities found in the marine community.

MTS/IEEE OCEANS is returning to Aberdeen in Scotland following the very successful event in 2007. This will be the 60th occurrence of the OCEANS meeting. Professor John Watson of the University of Aberdeen and Co-Chair of the OCEANS ‘17 Aberdeen organising committee said “being able to celebrate the 60th OCEANS conference is testament to the endurance, relevance and significance of this event in the global perception of oceanic engineering, science and technology. The fact that OCEANS is returning to Aberdeen, after the highly regarded meeting in 2007, highlights the importance and size of the oceanic industry to the region.“

Gold Patron

Oceans OES
Marine Technology Society

 Gold Patron

Subsea UK


University of Aberdeen
The Robert Godon University
Visit Aberdeen

Associated Societies

Society for Underwater Technology   The Challenger Society for Marine Sciences Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Institute of Physics